lördag 19 juli 2008

I've been tagged

What are the last 4 things you purchased?
1. The red strawberry necklace from KJL
2. A set of coasters with My little pony images(so adorable)
3. A pair of sequined flats from AE
4. Several copies at the library

What are the last three songs you downloaded?
1. Susie Suh's album
2. Kleerup's album
Fedde Le Grand "Pur your hand up for Detroit"

Where were the last three places you visited?
1. Stockholm
2. Göteborg/Gothenburg
3. Several communities nearby

What are your three favorite movies?
1. Love Actually
2. Miami Vice (2006)
3. Girl Interrupted(bitter sweet)

What are your three favorite possessions?
1. My laptop
2. My cat Landora
3. My citybike

What three things can you not live without?
1. Chocolate
2. Internet
3. My cat Landora

What would be your three wishes?
1. To experience romantic love
2. To get pretty economically independent
3. Getting back the last 2 years with my dear Samantha

What are three things you have not done yet?
1. Got rid of my addiction to sugar
2. Found love
3. Experienced childhood and being a teenager

What are your three favorite dishes?
1. Thai buffet
2. Almost any fish dish
3. Chicken nuggets i think

What three celebrities would you want to hang out with the most?
1. Paris Hilton(would be such an experience to see how her world works)
2. Trent Reznor (would love to grab a burger with him)

3. I'll get back...

Name three things that freak you out.
1. Insects!
2. Psychopaths
3. "Bacterias"

If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
1. Bitter
2. Shattered
3. My ambition to get what's best for the people I care about

Name three unusual things you are good at.
1. Get into subjects. Whether it's rocket science or cheerleading
2. To come up with solutions for practical stuff

3. Design

What are three things you are currently coveting?
1. I really yearn for a really cool bag in genuine leather
2. Really large and fancy helium balloons for my 25th birthday gathering

3. A writing desk from the 50's, with wheels

What four bloggers would you like to tag?
Hemma på Landet
X. I en Annan del av Stureplan
X. Perez Hilton

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